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The Gear you need for any adventure.

At Spatial, we take pride in our extensive collection of high-quality gear, which is meticulously rented and serviced by RAW Camera Rentals.

Our Gear Collections:
The Good Stuff

Spatial Logo

The Gear you need for any adventure.

At Spatial, we take pride in our extensive collection of high-quality gear.





Mastering the Elements: The Sony FX3's Role in the Bifrost Adventure

Amidst Norway's ethereal landscapes, the Sony FX3 emerged not just as a camera, but as an adventurer's most trusted companion, turning fleeting moments into cinematic masterpieces.

The DJI Inspire 3 Drone – A Top Choice for Vancouver Drone Rentals

Redefining Flight: Dive into our latest blog entry as we unpack the unmatched capabilities of the DJI Inspire 3 – the new benchmark in drone technology.

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